How Oculus Quest Impact Virtual Reality With 6 Degrees Of Freedom

Oculus Quest


VR can be a pain setting up sensors or emitters, connecting cables and configuring the hardware can take so long, it might not seem worthwhile for a quick gaming session.
 It’s all too easy for that expensive VR headset to be left gathering dust – even if you’ve invested in a powerful gaming PC to support it.

The release of Oculus Go in 2018 went some way towards changing that, offering a VR experience that was fully self-contained, with no wires or need for additional hardware. Just strap on the headset and get started.

 It was impressive stuff, and far more affordable than other VR headsets available at the time, but was much more limited than more powerful, tethered headsets. Most significantly, its movement system was ‘orientation only’, meaning you could turn your head to look around the environment, but couldn’t move through it.

 That all changed with the release of Oculus Quest in May this year. The Quest is still fully wireless, but unlike the Go, it offers six degrees of freedom – all without the need for any external hardware dotted around your room.
How is that possible to learn how Oculus cut the cord on virtual reality.

Inside-out tracking
First, a quick explanation: six degrees of freedom means your body can move in three dimensions along the X, Y and Z axes. Moving up and down along the Y axis is called ‘heaving’, moving forward and back along the X axis is called ‘surging’, and moving left and right along the Z axis is called ‘swaying’.

 You can also turn to face a different axis. A movement between X and Y is called ‘pitch’, a movement between X and Z is called ‘yaw’, and a movement between Z and Y is called ‘roll’.

If you want to create a truly immersive VR experience, that’s essential. “With a VR experience, ultimately you want it to feel as fluid as real life – you don’t want to be distracted because the display is lagging or jittering.

To make it feel fully natural, user mapping and tracking was needed to track the user’s movements extremely precisely in real time, so as you move your head and hands, those movements are perfectly represented in the virtual world.”

Oculus Quest is the first consumer device with full six-degrees of freedom tracking, made possible by the Oculus Insight system. This uses a technology called simultaneous location and mapping (SLAM), which uses input from various sensors to fix an object’s location within a constantly updated virtual map.
 It uses these objects as reference points (much like you’d use landmarks to orient yourself) and anchors them to points in the virtual world.

These points are observed repeatedly to compensate for drift (where tiny measurement discrepancies add up over time, making the map less accurate). The virtual area encompasses your whole field of view, so the system needs to respond as quickly as you can move and any tracking errors or lag are very noticeable.

VR can be a lonely experience if you use it on your own,VR can put a trainee in a number of different situations, places and environments so the military are using it for flight simulations, battlefield simulations, medic training, vehicle simulation and virtual boot camp, among other things.
VR is revolutionising almost everything in our daily life and soon enough we are going to be in a world of Visual reality. 

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