Ihedioha the Unlucky Star of 2019 Election

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To many, it did not come as a surprise that the outcome of 20 of the 29 state governorship elections held on March 9, 2019 were challenged in their respective state petition tribunals.

After several months of intense legal battles, many observers say the shocker is that all but one of those declared winners by the Independent National Electoral Commission were affirmed by the Supreme Court.

So far, the governorship elections upheld include those in Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bauchi, Benue, Delta, Ebonyi, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Lagos, Nasarawa, Niger, Ogun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, and Zamfara, whereas the sole winner-turned-loser at the apex court is Imo’s  Emeka Ihedioha, the standard-bearer of the Peoples Democratic Party.

The unanimous judgment of the seven-member panel, which on January 13 held that the All Progressives Congress candidate, Hope Uzodinma, was the winner of the election, sparked controversy, with some pointing out that the court-declared governor had scored the fourth highest votes in the results as announced by INEC on March 11, 2019.

The electoral body, in its final collation, had stated that Ihedioha garnered 273,404 votes, followed by Uche Nwosu of Action Alliance with 190,364, Senator Ifeanyi Ararume (All Progressives Grand Alliance) with 114,676, and Uzodinma scoring 96,458, among others.

According to the judgment read by Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun, the court agreed that the results in 388 polling units were unlawfully excluded during the collation of the final governorship election results in Imo.

Justice Kekere-Ekun said, with the results from the 388 polling units added, Uzodinma polled a majority of the lawful votes and ought to have been declared the winner of the election by INEC, although the judge did not provide details of the new votes scored by each candidate after the addition of results from the 388 polling units.

The judgment was greeted with widespread condemnation by the ousted governor and the Peoples Democratic Party. While the former deputy speaker of the House of Representatives said he was shocked with his sacking, the national leadership of his party and other supporters described the judgment as a coup against the people. The court’s pronouncement made the party led by its National Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus, to hit the streets in protest, alleging that the PDP’s victory was truncated illegally.

However, a former Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Monday Ubani, in an interview with our correspondent, argued that Ihedioha’s ouster as governor was based on the judicial relief, which, he said, differed from the cases of other states.

Ubani said, “Maybe it is because the relief was unique. The relief of the petitioner was not like all other petitioners who went to court. Most of the other reliefs were that this issue that the respondent did not score the majority vote or that there was non-compliance with the provisions of the Electoral Act.

“In proving such, the onus on the petitioner is clearly very heavy. And following already established cases, it would be very difficult, in the light of the limited time, to allow for petitioners to line up their witnesses and put them into the witness box.

“So, time is not on the side of the petitioner. He has to do a lot in terms of proving that there is irregularity in the electoral process. Most times, they demand that he produces almost all the polling agents or the polling officers from all the polling units for you to succeed in proving that there was irregularity in the electoral process.”

While underscoring the peculiarity of the case in Imo, Ubani restated Uzodinma’s argument that election took place in 388 polling units, and that the petitioner had the scores, which he said were excluded in the final collation.

The ex-NBA boss further explained the plaintiff’s position, saying, if those scores were added to his votes already counted and declared by INEC, he would have been the winner.

“The respondent, INEC and the PDP, were not able to attack that assertion in their reply. They were not able to disprove that fact that election took place in those places, more so when the election results sheets were signed by polling officers who were members of staff of INEC.

“So, maybe it was the uniqueness of his relief that was clearly not understood by the lower court, but understood by the Supreme Court, that made the entire difference,” Ubani added.

A former INEC National Commissioner, Prof. Olayiwola Olurode, however, expressed his reservation regarding the Supreme Court judgment.

Olurode, a professor of sociology, told Saturday PUNCH that the will of the Imo people had been undermined, adding that the apex court should have ordered a rerun, rather than declare another winner purportedly in the stead of the electoral body.

He said, “To somebody without any sophisticated legal training, it would look preposterous, as if one was standing facts on their head. It’s like deploying legal technicalities to subvert the people’s will. And somehow, it amounts to a party victory because it is not always easy to translate legal victory into political settlement.

“What we would have expected was (for the court) to order a rerun because Ihedioha had about 200,000 votes, and the closest person to him never even had 200,000. Jurists, especially those in the area of jurisprudence, are disturbed about the increasing political role of judges, that is, taking the position of electorate.

“It’s like a vote. In fact, it is more than that. It is like springing a surprise. The people in Imo State would never have thought that, in casting their votes, they were voting for Hope Uzodinma. And all of a sudden, it’s like one has found a stranger in one’s bed. It is like rubbishing their votes, like it never counted. It’s even worse than what INEC could be accused of.”

The former INEC commissioner said the verdict did not augur well for the country’s democratisation process, describing it as a setback that “totally alienates the people.”

But the Director General of Voice of Nigeria, Osita Okechukwu, lauded the judgment, saying it would serve as a reference for future cases.

Okechukwu stated, “The judgment is crystal clear in the sense that the issue canvassed is one of exclusion of votes. It happens to a lot of people and, sometimes, it is glossed over. But now that there is a Supreme Court judgment, it has become a reference point that votes should not be excluded, especially votes of that magnitude.

“Another thing the Supreme Court did that I appreciate is that people should know that when those result sheets are given to police, Department of State Services, the civil society, and the political parties, it is so that, in case of such crises, those are reference points.

“The Supreme Court also did so well to enrich our knowledge of the electoral process that if you see any of those institutions collecting documents, especially as regards Form EC8A and EC8B, it has a lot of meaning. It demonstrates clearly the value of having the documents in their custody.”

The APC chieftain argued that from the moment Emeka Ihedioha was announced as the winner, “it was crystal clear that he did not get two-thirds (of the vote).”

He added that the APC was happy about reclaiming the state “because, don’t forget, for the past eight years, Imo was not a PDP state. So, for us, it was like the recovery of a lost item.”

Ubani, speaking on the implications of the electoral upset at the Supreme Court, laid the blame at INEC’s door, saying the commission should ensure its electoral conduct is exhaustive before declaring a candidate winner.

The legal practitioner said, “Looking at the bigger picture, INEC should step up, because if it is actually true that such a huge number of voters were excluded in the final collation of the INEC electoral process in Imo State, then there is something fundamentally wrong.

“Over 200,000 votes were excluded from the votes that were supposed to be added from 388 polling units, and it is not as if INEC did a rerun. INEC went ahead to declare somebody the winner, excluding a huge number of voters who were supposed to have been taken into account in determining who the governor is.

“INEC should improve on its electoral process. There is a lot of irregularity, connivance, collusion, and, sometimes, manipulation even on the part of INEC.”

He advised that the courts must continue to do the right thing at all times, irrespective of differences of status, etc., adding that they should always stand on the side of the truth.

Ubani stated, “I believe that the Supreme Court and other courts should be bold enough in bringing down anybody that has been wrongly declared as the governor or president. We have seen it happen with members of the parliaments but, often, we don’t see it happen with governorship and presidential elections.

“They often affirm (elections), even when it is glaring that the man that has been declared winner by INEC did not sufficiently satisfy the Electoral Act. So, what we commend is the boldness. Let them be bold to always bring down any person that is not properly elected by the people.”

He added that the mandate should not be given by the judiciary but at the polling unit, adding that the courts should be involved in the electoral process minimally.

“It is the people that should determine the electoral mandate of whoever wants to govern them, and not the court. Let’s say it is the Supreme Court — seven (justices). At the Court of Appeal, maybe five or three.

“So, we must evolve a system where five or seven persons do not determine the fate of a state of the country. Rather, the people should be the ones, but that can only come when we evolve an electoral process that is free, fair and credible,” he added.

Some critics of the judgment point to the fact that INEC had declared Uzodinma as having come fourth.

But Okechukwu said, “They forget the canvas that Hope came fourth because some of his votes were excluded. As the lawyers will tell you, no two cases are the same.

“Some of us in the APC knew from day one that there was no way we could have come fourth because, no matter how anybody sees it, what the Imo people, ab initio, objected to was Senator Rochas Okorocha handing over this son-in-law. That was where the APC was pitched against the Imo people. So, immediately somebody else emerged, the Imo people were reprieved.

“Those results produced by the police, which is a state actor that kept a custody of the document in accordance with the law, were the same as the ones Hope produced, and nobody produced another result to challenge it.”

According to the APC chieftain, if there was a contradictory document on the ground, then the issue of comparison of documents would have arisen.

“But the signatures were the same on the documents presented by the police and Hope. The PDP never challenged the signatures of the presiding officers at those polling units.

“When you ask them, ‘Why didn’t you challenge the signatories?’ they have no answer. ‘Why didn’t you produce the result sheets you said you have since you said it (Hope’s document) is false?’ They couldn’t. INEC did not do so either.

“The issue is there was exclusion. That was what made Hope that came first to come fourth,” he added.

Speaking on the alleged culpability of INEC, Olurode decried the judgment as adding insult to injury.

The sociology professor said, “Two wrongs do not make a right. I’m not saying that (INEC’s alleged misconduct) is the case, but even if it is, why are judges there? Where is the right of appeal? It is to restore people’s rights that have been denied.

“At the end of the day, it is like an appeal court or the senate of a university. If somebody was denied his right in the department and the faculty, if it gets to the senate, you would expect that at least there would be a semblance of justice.

“Once a student fails to receive justice at that level, there is nowhere he can turn to. He is going to be in anger for the rest of his studentship. So, for (the next) three to four years, a government that the people of Imo never voted has been foisted on them and they have to live with that fact.”

Olurode argued that, though nobody could question the judges when they are giving their rulings, the ballot was a vehicle for communicating the wishes of the people.

According to him, if there are some anomalies, at the end of the day, the court should not become an instrument of “suppressing the voice of the people.”

Source:Punch News

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