South African official apologises after his wife appears Naked behind him during Zoom meeting on Covid Crisis-VIDEOS

Xolile Ndevu speaking on a parliamentary Zoom when his wife walked in naked

Faith Muthambi, the committee's chairperson, cuts in and points out the mistake

Ndevu explained the meeting overran and his wife didn't know camera was on

 This is the embarrassing moment the wife of a South African traditional leader walks into the frame completely naked during a parliamentary Zoom meeting.

Xolile Ndevu, a member of the National House of Traditional Leaders, a body of 23 traditional leaders in South Africa, was talking about deaths from Covid-19 in the province of Eastern Cape during a meeting on Tuesday. 

During the cooperative governance and traditional affairs meeting, Ndevu was explaining how Eastern Cape is working with local doctors when his wife suddenly appeared behind him wearing no clothes.

Faith Muthambi, the committee's chairperson, cuts across Ndebua as he is speaking to point out the mistake. 

She tells Ndevu: 'Inkosi, people behind you are not properly dressed. We are seeing everything.

'Please, Inkosi, did you tell them you are in a meeting. It is very disturbing what we are seeing.'

Muthambi then tells Inkosi Sipho Mahlangu, chairperson of the National House of Traditional Leaders, that it is not the first time such an incident has taken place during a Zoom meeting.

She adds: 'Whenever we are meeting with you, we see these unruly pictures. You are live on TV.'

Ndevu covers his face with his hands and apologises: 'I'm very sorry. I was focusing on the camera and not behind me. I'm so embarrassed.'

He explained the following day: 'This Zoom technology is new to us and we were never trained. Our houses are not built so we can have privacy for these meetings.

Ndevu added that the meeting began at around 7pm and was due to finish by 10pm, but overran so he moved to the bedroom.

He said: 'As the meeting continued after 10pm, my wife came in to use the bathroom and was unaware I had the video feed on. I apologise.'

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